for a long transformer service life
Replacing faulty bushings on a transformer is extremely crucial since faulty bushings can lead to substantial damage to the transformer and the immediate vicinity.
Our core focus and extensive experience on transformer bushings, has powered us with the ability to offer flexible and highly customizable retrofit bushing solutions. At YASH, we have proven our ability to be a large-scale supplier of standard design IEC/ IEEE bushings. We have also gone beyond to become a comprehensive solution provider for highly sought after repairs/ replacements and Retrofit solutions to old/existing transformer bushings parts of any reputed global make, which may have developed deficiencies/damage over years of service or have been damaged during transportation/handling/commissioning or long term storage at the site.
Globally there are numerous solution providers for Power Transformer repairs and overhauling, but YASH remains unrivalled in providing retrofit/repair solutions specific to transformer bushings, and this capability is well appreciated and welcomed by global Utilities / Power Substations/EPCs and transformer repairing / overhauling enterprises.
We achieve this through a team of dedicated and experienced Service and Retrofit Engineers, leaving nothing to chance right from the site visit and evaluation of the existing products, the study of old drawings, detailed engineering, and offering ditto interchangeable solutions as well as working closely with the customer to identify interchangeability needs.
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